Educator Camilla Rees, MBA, discussing her assignment to measure ambient microwave radiation for clients in New York City, 2016: "I went to measure the apartment on the first floor there and the man had throat cancer and as I got towards the corner bedroom, the levels [of audible radiation] kept getting higher and higher....We found out it was coming from outside and it was one block diagonally across the street with an antenna farm on a five-story group of buildings that was beaming directly into this area. And it dawned on all of us what this man was dealing with. And they told me that [of] eight out of the nine apartments, in the corner bedrooms they had cancer and the ninth one had three miscarriages." [1]
Bio-Initiative Report 2012 (2019): "Bioeffects are clearly established and occur at very low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation. Bioeffects can occur in the first few minutes at levels associated with cell and cordless phone use.  Bioeffects can also occur from just minutes of exposure to mobile phone masts [cell towers], Wi-Fi and wireless utility "smart" meters that produce whole body exposure. Chronic base station [cell tower] exposures can result in illness." [2]
EUROPAEM 2015 Guideline for Prevention and Treatment of Wireless Radiation Illnesses: "Analysis of the data available on the exposure of people living near mobile phone base stations has yielded clear indications of adverse health effects like fatigue, depression, difficulty in concentrating, headaches, dizziness, etc." [3]
 Headline: 14 Die of Cancer in Seven Years Living Next to Phone Mast with Highest Radiation Levels in UK [4]
Antenna Kill Zones USA
    Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images
   History replicatesThis dramatic WWII image is the perfect parable for our Wireless Age. In September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland to impose its violent and genocidal will upon the entire population of that nation. Employing a military strategy known as the blitzkrieg, Adolph Hitler expected to expand his territory, plunder resources and utilize the Polish population for slave labor. The above image shows Heil-Hitler boys rounding up a group of Poles after the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. Ghetto dwellers, selected for extermination by race,  religion or political affiliation, were sent to detention camps where most died from forced labor, starvation, disease or grotesque medical experiments. 
   The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) was signed by Bill Clinton, U.S. president of the day. The passage of this tainted, industry-directed federal law was a blitzkrieg. It launched an occupying army of radiation peddlers authorized to impose— for profit and for slave labor (screen slaves)— their violent and genocidal will upon the entire U. S. population. The TCA has unleashed a grotesque and universal medical experiment that oldtime Nazi sadists might only have dreamed of.
The TCA of 1996 allows ruthless Wi-corporations and their regulatory collaborators to site carcinogenic antennas on rooftops, in backyards, near schools and hospitals and within public right-of-ways without adequate regulatory oversight and without proper scientific inquiry into human health effects. [5]  The closer a person resides to these high-frequency antennas, the greater are health ramifications, depending on: how the waves are modulated, how many frequencies are co-mingling and the duration of exposure. As well-documented at this website, Wi-antenna poisoning includes: severe oxidative stress (rapid aging), voltage-gated ion channel dysfunction of cell membranes (calcium imbalance) and catastrophic genetic damage (DNA). 

The TCA of 1996 empowers a compromised regulatory agency, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), to promulgate scientifically indefensible radiation exposure guidelines based on thermal parameters which recognize only one danger: acute heating of the flesh. Qualified medical experts of the modern age complain that FCC's outdated thermal guidelines leave people unprotected against myriad non-thermal effects that guarantee disease, disability, dementia and premature death. [6]  In addition, the FCC has little to no antenna compliance capabilities. [7] Millions of antennas operated by zealous Wi-profiteers across the nation are simply trusted to be compliant with FCC's outlandishly dangerous regulations. Many thousands of powerful antenna complexes are not even registered in FCC's database.
  The TCA of 1996 enthrones five appointed FCC commissioners, many of them former Wi-industry employees and none of them qualified medical experts or research scientists, to function as literal dictators whose decisions cannot be legally challenged. Since 1996, all concerned parties who have attempted to address this disastrous state of affairs in the courts have been silenced by judges who claim that the TCA prohibits preemption of federal law vested in the almighty word of the FCC.  So it's hands in the air big-time as this compromised agency and its Wi-industry handlers hold the entire U.S. population hostage with slow-kill antenna weapons that never stop firing.
 Herman P. Schwan 
   The FCC's antiquated and deadly antenna radiation exposure guidelines are based on the 1953 engineering guestimates of Herman P. Schwan, an Operation Paperclip scientist brought to the U.S. from Nazi Germany immediately after WWII. It was Schwan who proclaimed that humans can be assaulted with 61 volts per meter of microwave radiation, [8] an insane and deadly exposure metric adopted by the FCC and its current advisors. Yet, thousands of studies and reports published over decades show that humans and animals sustain numerous symptoms of physical and mental illness from very low microwave exposure levels, even at levels as low as .01 to .06 volts per meter. [9] 
  The FCC's legal maximum permitted exposure (MPE) for the general population of USA is currently 47 to 61 volts per meter for microwave frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (6 billion wave cycles per second). This voltage is calculated to be averaged over each centimeter square (about one half inch) of human flesh. [10] This MPE is based upon a time limit of 30 minutes. [11] Yet regulators do not explain how they rationalize 24 hour-a-day exposure for most people who spend their lives in the penumbra of numerous Wi-antennas, indoors and out.
  For antenna frequencies higher than 6 gigahertz, including those deployed by new 5G millimeter wave technologies (30 to 95 billion waves per second) FCC now approves a legal MPE for the general population at around 125 volts per meter, averaged over each square centimeter of human flesh. [12]  It makes sense to regulators that the more violent and destructive the waves, the higher human exposure should be.
  Occupational exposure to wireless antenna radiation is even more deadly. Wi-workers can be legally "nuked" with high-frequency voltage up to five times higher in power density than that permitted for the general population.  [13] Hot antennas are not disabled to accommodate upclose technicians. The poor stooge seen below,  laboring diligently to make a neighborhood antenna-sick, has only a radiation-useless hard hat for protection. Is this a form of karma?
   In 2021, a federal court ruled that FCC public exposure limits are based on questionable and capricious standards and that the FCC has ignored massive medical and scientific evidence showing how severely people can be injured by legal (but not ethical) exposure to antenna radiation. The court also ruled that while the FCC ignores 21st Century science, it fails to provide a reasoned explanation as to how its current exposure guidelines protect the public against harmful effects of 5G, cell towers, cell phones and other wireless technologies.[14]  Since that ruling nothing has changed.  

 Antenna Sickness Is Everywhere Now
    Verizon call tower Pittsfield Massachusetts
   For over three decades, wireless antenna radiation has sickened and disabled millions of North Americans without their informed consent. Mobile communications require a human environment overflowing with carcinogenic, DNA-busting energy, both indoors and out. Information-bearing microwaves and millimeter waves are fired from Wi-antennas as high-frequency voltage that blasts through human bodies at the speed of light. Although this voltage penetrates and denigrates the molecules of all biological flesh, victims cannot see, taste, smell or hear this insidious version of automatic weapons fire. Humans and animals experience pulsed, non-thermal wave assault as weakness and chronic illness that links to a strong potential for malignancy.
  Meantime, the docile and ill-informed populations of North America generally accept their thirteen categories of radiation-induced unwellness as a fact of life. Occasionally a group of individuals muster enough intelligence and concern to question the cause of their universal misery. Such an enlightened group lives in the small town of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Their excessive suffering began abruptly when the Verizon cell tower, seen in the image above, became operational in 2020. Twenty neighbors living near this tower, including three cancer survivors, developed sudden, life-changing sickness and some were forced to flee their homes for relief.
 At that time the tower had six antennas, with capacity for 42 more!
   After many citizen complaints and much public testimony, the Pittsfield City Council and the Pittsfield Board of Health urged Verizon to remove the tower. In February 2022, the Board, knowing that federal law is stacked against them, issued a cease and desist order to Verizon to shut down its noxious tower, which they said was causing severe illness and public nuisance. [15]
  Naturally, Verizon has not removed its deadly money tree from the sick neighborhoods of Pittsfield. The wireless industry is the head, mere humans are the tail. The Wi-industry "owns" the well-bribed U.S. Congress, it owns federal puppet regulators at the FCC and FDA, and it controls major media outlets. For example, AT&Tumor owns Warner media which includes Cable News Network (CNN) and HBO). Therefore, the invincible Wi-industry ensures that U.S. federal law requires neither protective antenna setback standards nor public disclosure as to which carcinogenic frequencies and which antenna power densities are poisoning the nation. The entire dirty Wi-system is rigged against the irradiated masses.
   In May 2022, Verizon Wireless filed a federal lawsuit in an effort to block the Pittsfield emergency cease and desist order, claiming that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 prohibits state and local governments from regulating cell towers on the basis of health effects from radiofrequency emissions so long as the radiation levels comply with FCC regulations
Note:  Be sure to click on and expand the Emergency Order document for a full rundown on the suffering of Pittsfield citizens who have submitted to their Board of Health 11,000 pages of scientific and medical documentation on the dangers of antenna radiation to human health and to the environment.
There Are No Sane Setback Rules for Wi-antennas in USA
   Since its inception, the Wi-industry has declared —but has offered no scientific proof whatsoever— that the high-frequency environmental radiation it unleashes is harmless. U. S. regulators gleefully agree, reciting in unison the same moldy mantra that there is "no convincing evidence" of danger. Despite the federal NTP microwave cancer studies, plus decades of additional published research documenting massive harm, even the U.S. Toxicology Program and the American Cancer Society remain mute on the subject, having taken no official stance on potential dangers of ubiquitous antenna radiation. [16]
  So millions of Wi-radiation victims can count on one thing: no matter how much evidence of harm accumulates for the record, proper antenna set backs will never be proposed or enforced anywhere in the United States. Antennas can be shoved next to residential windows, can be sited on roof tops above hospital beds and can be made a permanent scourge for schools and playgrounds everywhere.
   Seen below is brand new Tumor-Mobile 5G weaponry in Wyandotte, Michigan, arrayed against mere babies in 2023. These ferocious, beam-forming antennas are truly the epitome of a malicious school shooting, with mass casualties guaranteed. That Wi-peddlers can bribe school districts to endanger their own students is not fiction.
   Although worried parents sued T-Mobile and the Wyandotte school district in an effort to forestall activation of these deadly weapons, a circuit court judge dismissed their suit in 2023, stating that antennas emit radiation at a level allowed by the FCC. He also ruled that speculation about future health issues is insufficient to give the parents standing in the case. [17]  So, once again, we watch the Wi-mafia and its regulatory enforcers in the act of literal human sacrifice. READ THE STORY HERE
   Children are at special risk from environmental carcinogens due to their smaller body mass and rapid physical development. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that “children are disproportionately affected by environmental exposures, including cell phone radiation. The differences in bone density and the amount of fluid in a child’s brain compared to an adult’s brain could allow children to absorb greater quantities of RF energy deeper into their brains than adults." [18]

 New Studies Document Human Suffering Inflicted by 5G Antennas

    Swedish medical experts have recently published a series of provocation studies in order to document the horrific and debilitating biological reactions suffered by people exposed to newly installed 5G antenna installations in Europe. Wireless technolgies and human exposure standards in Europe are similar to those of North America. The new 5G antennas are especially impactful because they emit powerful beam-forming modulations, superfast frequencies and ultra-high power densities. Note: As you read the documented exposure numbers in these studies, compare them  to the FCC's  recommended exposure limit of 61 to 125 volts per meter. None of the very Wi-sick study subjects suffered this horrendously high MPE standard currently approved by the FCC. 
  The following six professional studies have been published by experienced medical and epidemiological researchers affiliated with: the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, the Department of Oncology at Orebro University Hospital and the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation. Symptoms of microwave sickness discussed in these studies are symptoms that over time lead to serious diseases and impediments, especially diabetes, heart ailments and cancer. Keep in mind that millions of 5G victims across the world will inevitably experience these same documented symptoms, but will neither understand the root of their suffering nor gain the benefit of informed escape that was available to informed study participants in Sweden.
Hardell et al (2022)  This report  documents the bioeffects of a new 5G antenna installation sited on the roof of a residential apartment building in Sweden. An elderly couple, living in the building for years, were suddenly blasted with 5G antenna radiation leaking downward into their living quarters. This radiation was confirmed as midband 3.5 gigahertz with a power density of up to 30 volts per meter, considered a "safe" exposure in both Europe and North America. Shortly after the antennas were activated, both people developed multiple and severe neurological symptoms of Microwave Sickness, including: tinnitus, fatigue, skin disorders, emotional distress, insomnia, and blood pressure problems. When the couple fled the apartment for safer quarters, their life-changing symptoms gradually abated. [19]
Nillson et al (2023)  This study documents the case of two adult males who worked in an office when a new 5G antenna installation was sited on the roof directly above their work space. The highest peak levels of 3.5 gigahertz in their office reached about 21 volts per meter. Shortly after antenna installation, one of the men rapidly developed numerous Microwave Sickness symptoms  including: headache, tinnitus, insomnia, depression, anxiety/panic, emotivity, concentration/attention deficiency, irritability, dizziness, balance disorder, confusion, and toothache. After nine months of suffering, he left the office and moved to the countryside where his symptoms gradually disappeared.  His office partner developed: chronic headache, severe arthralgia, tinnitus, concentration and attention deficiency, fatigue, early wake-up, sharp pain in his elbows and burning skin so severe that he could not bear to touch it with his own hand. He too fled the building. Although most of his symptoms improved in a safer environment, he told medical investigators that whenever he visits places with high radiation, such as Stockholm, his headache and arthralgia reappear quickly, indicating his residual sensitivity to high-frequency radiation. This  common among a percentage of people once they suffer acute radiation poisoning. [20]  
Nillson et al (2023) This is a published study of a 52-year-old healthy woman who rapidly developed symptoms consistent with Microwave Syndrome after installation of a 5G base station facing her apartment at a distance of 60 meters. Microwave levels on her balcony facing the base station were measured at peak radiation levels at over 30 volts per meter. The sofa in her living room had peak levels of over 8 volts per meter. Her symptoms consisted of: headache, dizziness, concentration difficulties, loss of balance, confusion, fatigue, arrhythmia, skin burning, nose bleeding/bruising, diarrhea and urgency to urinate. A pet dog living with this woman also became ill immediately after antenna activation and the poor creature was always reluctant to return to the apartment after walks. Both the woman and her dog improved greatly when they moved to other quarters away from 5G antenna exposure. [21]
Nillson et al (2023) This study documents a family of three living in an apartment at a distance of 50 and 70 meters from two new 5G antenna installations located on a highrise roof directly opposite their windows. The highest microwave measurement in their rooms was about 21 volts per meter. All three people reported: irritability, memory, concentration problems, fitful sleep, fatigue, muscle pain and eye disorders. Among them additional problems included: diarrhea, nose bleeds, burning skin, hotness in the ears, dizziness, irregular pulse, panic attacks and nose bleeds. [22]
Nillson et al (2023)   In this study, researchers documented the case of a man age 49 in Sweden who lived 20 meters from a new 5G antenna base station mounted on a roof directly across from his apartment windows. The highest microwave readings were in his living room at over 33 volts per meter. After only one week of enduring antenna radiation (at a power density of only half of the FCC's MPE for general populations in USA), the man's health deteriorated so badly that he had to flee the apartment. He was forced to retrieve his belongings in increments and each time he entered the "hot" apartment, his excruciating symptoms returned with a vengeance: severe headache, chest pain, burning skin, irregular pulse and blood pressure abnormality, severe depression, insomnia, fatigue, deficiency of vision, widespread bruising, body vibration and tissue swelling. After each new exposure, it took him more time to recover after he returned to his new low-radiation dwelling. [23]
Nillson et al (2023)   Researchers developed this case report of two parents and their three small children who developed  abrupt symptoms of Microwave Syndrome during their short vacation in a summer cottage located 125 meters from a new 5G antenna installation. This tower bore a load of antennas serving three telecom operators but since the tourist population was low, antennas were not propagating at high season levels.  Highest radiation readings were about 3 volts per meter outdoors and 1 volt per meter inside the cottage. Despite these comparatively low readings, various members of the family immediately suffered from: headache, insomnia, restless sleep, irritability, fatigue, labored breathing and skin rashes. Once they left the cottage, symptoms abated and their health returned to normal. [24]

  More Antenna Sickness Studies Describe the Current State
of Public Health, USA 

  Listed in chronological order below are numerous older published studies, mainly from medical and scientific sources, which document the dramatic health effects of illness-inducing microwave antennas located within public areas. These reports describe the devastating bio-effects of the older broadcast, radar and 2G/3G antenna technologies, and they provide insight into the horrors of newer 4G and 5G antennas which now broadcast in tandem to sicken and torture indiscriminately. If anyone cared enough to research your radiation-drenched neighborhood, here is what they would find (and more):

Lester and Moore (1982) This study of 92 active Air Force bases operational between 1950-1969 found that counties with an active bases had significantly higher incidences of cancer mortality compared to counties without. The authors hypothesized that exposure to chronic, low intensity, peak pulse patterns characteristic of radar (microwave radiation) from the bases could damage immunity and account for the high cancer mortality in military counties. [25] Numerous other reports of community sickness from radar installations have come to light in the last thirty years. Recent reports include: an epidemic of sickness and mental retardation suffered by people in Taiwan who live close to Doppler weather radar stations [26] and an ongoing investigation of a childhood cancer cluster near eight military-grade radar towers in Herkimer County, New York. [27] In addition to police, weather and military radar pollution that blankets the U.S., the self-driving car technologies and driver assist systems beaming from most new vehicles now deliver ground-level, in-your-face radar frequencies everywhere across the nation. 
Kolodynski & Kolodynska (1996) This study found that school children living near a radio location station in Latvia suffered reduced motor function, memory and attention span. [28]
Magras et al. (1997)  Researchers reported a decrease in reproductive function of mice exposed to cell tower radiation and irreversible sterility was documented in fifth generation offspring. [29] 
Hecht & Balzer (1997) A review of hundreds of Soviet Russian studies documented a vast array of health effects, including insomnia, brainwave aberrations, cardiovascular problems and increased susceptibility to infections in people who lived or worked near RF/microwave antenna transmission sites. [30]

Colorado Department of Health Audits of Lookout Mountain Broadcast Towers near Golden, Colorado: State audits conducted in 1999 and 2004 found a statistically significant brain tumor incidence in populations living closest to and in direct line-of-sight to TV/FM radio towers on Lookout Mountain. Some affected populations were irradiated with broadcast radiation at levels 100 times or more lower than the FCC's MPE limits. [31]

Santini et al. (2002) 530 people living near mobile phone antennas in France reported headaches, sleep disturbance, discomfort, irritability, depression, memory loss and concentration problems.  These effects were more pronounced the closer people lived to the antennas. The researchers concluded that the minimal distance of people from cell tower antennas should not be less than 300 meters. However, the recommended minimal distance pertains only to the antennas affecting people in this particular study and does not necessarily pertain to other antenna installations, which may be more far-reaching due to antenna power density, or more acutely bio-intensive due to various frequencies emitted. [32]

Santini et al. (2003) This was the second part of the above Santini study, and it confirmed results of the 2002 study.  It also showed that people irradiated for five years or more suffered significantly increased irritability, compared to those exposed to a shorter duration. Also, older people were documented to be more sensitive to the radiation. Homes that faced antennas, particularly within 100 meters, were documented to be the worst location for debilitating symptoms. [33]

Navarro EA et al. (2003) This study, conducted in Spain, found that the greater the power density of microwaves in the home, the more severe were complaints of: depression, fatigue, sleeping disorders, concentration problems, headaches, irritability, memory problems, loss of appetite, nausea, audio and visual dysfunction, dizziness and cardiovascular problems. The researchers concluded: "There is a large and coherent body of evidence of biological mechanisms that support the conclusion of a plausible, logical and causal relationship between RF exposure and neurological disease. Hence, it is probable that cell sites are causing many adverse health effects. Public health surveys of people living in the vicinity of cell site should be being carried out now, and continued progressively over the next two decades. This is because prompt effects such as miscarriage, cardiac disruption, sleep disturbance and chronic fatigue could well be early indicators of the adverse health effects." [34]
Roosli (2004)  This Swiss survey study reported that out of 429 questionnaires returned, 394 people reported symptoms from cell tower exposure. Fifty eight percent of these symptomatic people suffered headaches,19% nervous stress, 18% fatigue, while concentration difficulties were the most common complaint. "Two thirds of complaintants had taken some action to reduce their symptoms. The most common measure was to avoid exposure if possible." [35]
Eger et al. (2004)  This study, commissioned by the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection, compiled medical histories between 1994-2004 of people living in Naila, Germany. The study found a threefold increase in malignant tumors for people exposed for five years or more to cell tower antennas within 400 meters, compared to people living further away from the antennas. [36]

  Wolf and Wolf  (2004) A Tel Aviv University study of 622 people living in Netanya, Israel, revealed an overall four-fold increase in the incidence of cancer among residents living within 350 meters of a mobile phone mast for a time period of between three and seven years. Among women in the 350-meter group, the increase in cancer was 10 times the norm, compared to people living in other areas of the city: "The study indicates an association between increased incidence of cancer and living in proximity to a cell phone transmitter station." [37]
Bortkiewicz et al. (2004)  This Polish study confirmed that residents living close to mobile phone towers reported "complaints mostly of the circulatory system, but also of sleep disturbances, irritability, depression, blurred vision, concentration difficulties, nausea, lack of appetite, headache and vertigo. The performed studies showed the relationship between the incidence of individual symptoms, the level of exposure, and the distance between a residential area and a base station. This association was observed in both groups of persons, those who linked their complaints with the presence of the base station and those who did not notice such a relation." [38]
  California Firefighter Study (2004)  A pilot medical study, conducted by Dr. Gunnar Heuser of Agoura Hills, California, focused on neurological symptoms of six firefighters who had been working for up to five years in stations with cell towers on premises. Their symptoms included: slowed reaction time, lack of focus, lack of impulse control, severe headaches, anesthesia-like sleep, depression, tremors and toxic encephalopathy, involving brain damage to frontal and temporal lobes, as confirmed by SPECT brain scans. In 2004, citing this study, the US and Canadian membership of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) passed a resolution opposing the siting of cell tower antennas on or adjacent to fire stations. [39] 
  Waldman-Salsam et al. (2004)  Medical doctors in Oberfranken, Germany, evaluated the medical complaints of 356 people exposed to cell tower radiation and in-home wireless devices. This irradiated population reported: sleep disturbances, tiredness, forgetfulness, nose bleeds, vision and hearing problems, frequent infections, blood pressure abnormalities, hormonal and heart disturbances, nausea and night-time sweats. This information was presented to the German prime minister in a now-famous document known as the Bamberg Appeal, signed by 114 German physicians.  [40]

  Hutter et al. (2005) 365 people living near 10 different mobile phone masts in both urban and rural areas of Austria were studied. Reported symptoms of antenna radiation included: headache, vertigo, tremors, cold hands and feet, loss of energy, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, feelings of strain and the urge for sleep. These people were irradiated at levels of 0.2 to 0.4 volts per meter, which is hundreds of times lower than FCC's exposure standards of 47 to 61 volts per meter. The higher the voltage exposure, the higher the percentage of health complaints. The researchers concluded: "The results of this study indicate that effects of very low but long lasting exposures to emissions from mobile telephone base stations on well-being and health cannot be ruled out." Duh! [41]
Citizens Initiative Kempton West (2006-2007) Anticipating the installation of a T-Mobile transmitter station in a neighborhood, 25 participating residents living between 15 to 300 meters from the new cell tower volunteered for blood sampling before the antennas were turned on. These volunteers removed all DECT phones and Wi-Fi systems from their homes for the test period. This study was part of a German-wide medical investigation into the effects of cell tower radiation on human health, led by Dr. Hans Scheiner in Munich. The study focused mainly on blood levels of the mood hormone serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin, both created by the pineal gland. A healthy person creates serotonin by day for alertness and energy, melatonin by night for deep restorative sleep and protection from DNA damage.  After the antennas were turned on, follow-up blood tests revealed this:
1.  Fifty-six percent of volunteers suffered a fairly steep reduction of night time melatonin and 28 percent showed a more gradual decline, leading to considerable sleep disturbances, daytime exhaustion and immune deficiencies due to sleep deprivation.
2. Eighty-four percent of volunteers suffered a steep decrease in daytime serotonin levels, resulting in depressive mood disturbances, lethargy, appetite abnormalities, agitation and general reduction of quality of life. Signed by three medical doctors this study concluded: "Since the medically conducted tests carried out on residents living in the vicinity of the....mast prove a dramatically increased health risk, immediate action by political and regulatory authorities...are demanded." [42]
Abdel-Rassoul, et al. (2006)  Residents in Egypt living beneath or adjacent to a long-established mobile phone mast with numerous antennas reported significantly higher occurrences of headaches, memory changes, dizziness, tremors, depressive symptoms and sleep disturbance than did a control group. [43]
Oberfeld et al. (2008) The Austrian Department of Health uncovered a higher risk of cancer among people living 80-200 meters from a mobile phone antenna tower which operated for a car phone service between 1984 and 1997. The study concluded  that the cancer risk increased with the length of exposure, reaching 8.5 times the norm for people most highly exposed. The study reported: "The incidence [of cancer] was particularly pronounced for breast and brain tumors." [44]

  Eger et al. (2009)  The Bavarian town of Selbitz conduced a health survey of 251 residents exposed to cell tower radiation at no more than 1 volt per meter. The study found a significant correlation, depending on dose exposure, for: insomnia, depression, cerebral symptoms, joint illnesses, infections, skin changes, heart and circulation disorders, disorders of vision/ hearing and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. [45]
(Balmori et al. (2009) Researchers exposed tadpoles of the common frog to cell tower radiation from several antenna installations 140 meters from the study site.  Control tadpoles were protected from the radiation by a shielded Faraday cage. The irradiated tadpoles were exposed for two months and suffered  low coordination of movements, asynchronous growth (abnormally large and small tadpoles) plus a 90% mortality rate. The non-irradiated controls developed normally and suffered only a 4.2 percent mortality rate. The report concluded: "This research may have huge implications for the natural world, which is now exposed to high microwave radiation levels from a multitude of phone masts." [46] 
Dode et al. (2011) University and municipality officials cooperated to document a striking connection between cell tower antennas and cancer deaths in Brazil's third largest city, Belo Horizonte. The study looked at 7191 deaths by cancer in the city between 1996 and 2006. The highest rate of deaths from cancer was found among those who had lived within 500 meters of cell phone antenna towers. The highest rates of cancer were also found in the central-southern area of the city, which had the most cell towers. There were high rates of prostate, breast, lung, kidney and liver cancer among the victims living closest to tower antennas. [47]   

Buchner et al. (2011) In this study conducted in Bavaria, Germany, urine samples of 60 participants were analyzed for adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine dopamine, and phenylethylamine (PEA) levels before and after the activation of a new GSM cell tower. After the activation of the antennas, the stress hormone levels increased significantly during the first six months while dopamine and PEA levels decreased substantially. Even after one and a half years, normal hormone levels were not restored. Sleep problems, headaches, allergies, dizziness, and concentration problems were common. The highest exposure group was only 100 µW/m2, and only 60 µW/m for the lowest exposure group. (These power density readings equate to .1 volts per meter squared to .2 volts per meter squared.) This study indicates that radio frequency transmitters induce radical changes in human stress hormones and set up the classic stress syndrome of adaptation followed by biological exhaustion, as established by Hans Seyle in the 1950s. The researchers stated that the effects of cell tower radiation "showed a dose-response relationship and occurred well below current limits for technical RF radiation exposures. Chronic dysregulation of the catecholamine system has great relevance for health and is well known to damage human health in the long run." [48] 
Yakymenko et al. (2011) A team of Ukrainian scientists titled their overview of cell tower radiation "Long-term Exposure to Microwave Radiation Provokes Cancer Growth: Evidences from Radars and Mobile Communication Systems." These researchers concluded: "It is now becoming increasingly evident that assessment of biological effects of non-ionizing radiation based on physical (thermal) approach used in recommendations of current regulatory bodies...requires urgent reevaluation....We also emphasize that the everyday exposure of both occupational and general public to MW radiation should be regulated based on precautionary principles which imply maximum restriction of excessive exposure." [49]
Christopher Anthony and Daniel Chen (2011) As part of a science curriculum project, these two fourteen-year-olds conducted a survey study at their school in Johannesburg, South Africa,  in order to assess the health effects of a cell tower on their school campus. They additionally enrolled students at two other schools, also with cell towers on those campuses. Students who participated in the questionnaire study reported 21 different symptoms including: skin rash, muscular pains, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, stomach problems, swollen lymph nodes, tinnitus, allergic reactions and metallic taste in the mouth. Seventy-nine percent of the students who participated reported some of these symptoms, thirty percent reported more than four symptoms, five percent suffered more than 10 symptoms and one percent suffered from up to 14 symptoms on the list. School officials at the boys' school reportedly initiated proceedings to have the cell tower removed from their particular campus. [50]
Eskander, et al. (2012) This study followed volunteers who were exposed to microwave radiation from either mobile phones or cell tower antennas over a time period of six years. Blood tests were used for assessment. The study showed a significant decrease in volunteers' ACTH, cortisol, thyroid hormones, prolactin for young females, and testosterone levels. Researchers concluded that "high RFR (radio frequency radiation) significantly affects the pituitary-adrenal axis." [51]
Hassig et al. (2012) Scientists documented eye abnormalities in calves exposed to cell tower radiation: "We examined and monitored a dairy farm in which a large number of calves were born with nuclear cataracts after a mobile phone base station had been erected in the vicinity of the barn. Calves showed a 3.5 times higher risk for heavy cataract if born there compared to Swiss average. All usual causes such as infection or poisoning common in Switzerland could be excluded." [52]
Cy et al. (2012) This Taiwanese study focused on childhood neoplasms (tumors) in relation to RF exposure from cell towers erected between 1998 and 2007. Researchers calculated the annual power emitted by all 71,185 cell towers in Taiwan and compared the calculated exposure of populations in each irradiated township: "This study noted a significantly increased risk of all neoplasms [abnormal growths, especially as a characteristic of cancer] in children with higher-than-median RF exposure to MPBS [mobile phone base stations]." [53]
Gomez-Peretta et al.  (2013) This study in Spain was a re-analysis of the data collected for the Navarro study (2003). The researchers reported that pathological symptoms reported by irradiated people were validated once again. Exposure levels suffered by study participants were reported at only .2 volts to .6 volts per meter [compared to US maximum public exposure limit of 61 and 125 volts per meter]. [54]

Shahbazi et al. (2014) This Iranian study was conducted on 250 randomly-selected people living near cell towers. Statistically significant symptoms included: nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, discomfort, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbances, memory loss and lack of libido among people living within 300 meters of the cell tower antennas, compared to those living further away. [55]
Gandhi et al. (2014) This case-control study evaluated genetic damage in individuals living in the vicinity of cell towers. The blood of irradiated subjects showed significantly elevated DNA damage compared to non-irradiated control subjects matched for gender, age and other factors. Especially affected by cell tower DNA damage were females. The researchers warned: "The genetic damage evident in the participants in this study needs to be addressed against future disease-risk, which in addition to neurodegenerative disorders, may lead to cancer." [56]
Shiniyo et al. (2014) This Japanese study, peer-reviewed by a German medical team, documents the myriad serious health effects suffered by condominium inhabitants living under rooftop antennas in Japan. This study is important because it documents a long list of illnesses suffered by the condo inhabitants during their years of exposure and compares the improved health status of some survivors after the antennas were deactivated. The symptoms ascribed to microwave radiation by this study include: numerous and painful neurological dysfunctions, eye damage, severe fatigue and tumors. [57]
Adebayo et al. (2014) Nigerian scientists investigated the effects of cell tower radiation on disease-causing bacteria isolated from the environment within range of that radiation. They discovered that various gram negative bacteria showed major effects from the radiation and they confirmed that microwave radiation appears to make certain of these pathogens antibiotic-resistant. [58]
Cammaerts Tricot et al. (2015) Two renowned European scientists conducting this study found that water cress seeds would not germinate in a room infiltrated with cell tower radiation from two antennas about 200 meters outside the windows of the room. Measurements showed that the antennas were propagating 900 megahertz and 1.8 gigahertz directly into the room. The power density of the radiation impacting the seed trays was only .1 volts per meter2.  This is a power density many hundreds of times lower than that approved for US public exposure to microwave radiation in the gigahertz range. Identical radiation-protected seed trays in the same room germinated normally: "When removed from the electromagnetic fields, seeds germinated normally. The radiation was, thus, most likely the cause of the non-occurrence of the seeds' inhibition and germination." [59]
Sultan Ayoub Meo et al. (2015)  This study recruited students in Saudi Arabia for blood testing (ages 12 to 17) attending two comparable schools.  Students in the school infused with the highest cell tower radiation suffered a higher rate of diabetes than the students less irradiated: "It is concluded that exposure to high RF-EMRF generated by mobile phone base stations is associated with elevated levels of HbA1c and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus." [60]
Waldmann-Selsam (2016) Using mathematical calculations of microwave power flux density, this field-monitoring study examined the effects of cell tower radiation on trees in two German cities: "Statistical analysis demonstrate that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees.  These results are consistent with the fact that damage afflicted on trees by mobile phone towers usually starts on one side, extending to the whole tree over time." [61]
Golati et al. (2016)  The objective of this study was to evaluate human genetic damage caused by radiation from mobile tower antennas and to ascertain whether that damage might be dependent upon the aberrant  GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes. Scientists studied 116 persons exposed to radiation from mobile towers and 106 control subjects.  All  were genotyped for polymorphisms in the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes by the multiplex polymerase chain reaction method. The researchers looked for DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes using alkaline comet assay and micronucleus assay in buccal (mouth tissues) cells. They found significant DNA damage among cell tower subjects as compared to the non-irradiated control group: The report states: "....There was a significant increase in BMN [micronucleus assay in buccal cells] frequency and TM [tail moment] value in exposed subjects compared with control subjects....." These are terms related to high DNA damage seen in the irradiated subjects. [62]
Siersma et al. (2016)  As a pilot run for future and larger studies, medical scientists from Denmark and Sweden launched an electronic questionnaire posted to special interest websites. The questionnaire requested feedback on symptoms suffered by people exposed to cell phones, Wi-Fi, occupational radiation, energy-saving light bulbs and cell towers. Of sixty respondents, significant associations were noted for both chronic exposure to Wi-Fi and for cell tower exposure. Symptoms associated with tower antennas included: cognitive, head, eye, body and skin problems. The report noted: "Mobile phone towers seem to be the most problematic of the various EMF exposures." [63]
Romero-Ortega et al. (2016)  University of Texas researchers confirmed that amputees exposed to cell tower radiation, at a power density equivalent to that encountered at a distance of about 39 meters from the average local antenna site, may be induced by that radiation to suffer abnormal sensations and neuropathic pain in peripheral nerve bundles that form after the nerve injury of amputation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are nearly two million amputees in the United States and many of them suffer from chronic pain. [64]
Zothansiama et al. (2017) This study, conducted in India by a government-sponsored university, evaluated DNA damage and antioxidant status of people living in the vicinity of cell towers (within 80 meters) compared to healthy controls who lived further away from microwave antennas. The blood of cell tower victims showed significant DNA damage, and they suffered notable deficits in serum antioxidants (cancer fighting substances) compared to the less-irradiated control group. [65]
Falcioni et al. (2018) The Ramazzini Institute in Italy published results of its large study in which animals were abused with exposure to 1.8 gigahertz representative of some cell tower antenna emissions. This study reports a significant number of schwann cell malignancies (schwannomas) in exposed animals, compared to controls and therefore it strongly supports the findings of the U.S. federal NTP studies (2016). Schwann cells are found in most organs of the body, both human and animal. Schwann cells play a key role in the nervous system where they form the myelin sheath and help conduct electrical impulses. The researchers who completed this study are among the many experts demanding that IARC update its radiofrequency designation commensurate with the documented potential of microwaves to induce and accelerate cancer in animals and humans: "The RI findings on far field exposure to RFR are consistent with and reinforce the results of the NTP study on near field exposure, as both reported an increase in the incidence of tumors of the brain and heart in RFR-exposed Sprague-Dawley rats. These tumors are of the same histotype of those observed in some epidemiological studies on cell phone users. These experimental studies provide sufficient evidence to call for the re-evaluation of IARC conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans." [66] 
Meo et al (2018)  A team of  scientists in Saudi Arabia reported in the American Journal of Men's Health a study of two hundred seventeen male students ages 13-16 registered at two different schools, both located within 200 meters of cell tower antennas. One school area was imbued with about 2 volts of microwave radiation per meter and the other school with approximately 6 volts per meter. Students were exposed to their towers six hours a day, five days a week over a period of two years. The students in both schools were ultimately evaluated for cognitive functioning. The study reported that students in the school with the higher exposure showed a "decrease in fine and gross motor skills [essential to activities of everyday life] and spatial working memory and attention in school adolescents compared to students who had been exposed to low[er] RF-EMF.....It is believed that nothing should be compromised over health.  Mobile phone base station towers must be installed away from thickly populated residential zones particularly in or near the school buildings or there must be some system to shield human beings from RF-EMFR." [67]
Nascimento et al (2021) Scientists representing five medical institutions and schools in Brazil reported that studies of heavily microwaved cities across Brazil show a definite correlation between microwave radio base station antennas (RBS) and high rates of cancer in the general population: "We collected information on the number of deaths by cancer....We investigated all cancer types and some specific types (breast, cervix, lung, and esophagus cancers.)....The adjusted analysis showed that, the higher the exposure to RSB radio frequency, the higher cancer mortality was....The balance of our results indicates that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from RBS increases the rate of death for all types of cancer and specifically for lung and breast cancer." [68]
S. Gulati et al (2024)  Senior European scientists from the Medical University of Vienna and the Slovak Academy of Sciences studied a group of Germans living within 110 feet from multiple cell tower antennas and compared their genetic health data to a matched control group with much lower RF exposure. The highly exposed group showed significant changes in their genetic makeup with a number of different chromosomal aberrations. Chromosomes are strands of DNA coiled around proteins. Such genetic abnormalities can lead to serious health consequences, including cancer and neurological disease. This study is the first to document evidence that chronic exposure to cell tower radiation is linked to irreparable genetic damage. [69]

 Multiple Interacting Carcinogenic Frequencies Are Compulsory for Human Flesh
   Above is a photo of the Stockholm Central Railway Station in Sweden. The wireless pollution inside of this building is an example of most public buildings across the planet. A 2016 study of manmade radiation within this facility was conducted by the Hardell Cancer Research Group, representing four European research institutions. [70] This study identified twenty different pulsed frequency sets slamming through this cavernous facility and through all human bodies within it.
    Investigators used professional RF analyzers to identify FM radio at 87 megahertz and three different police radio bands (TETRA) propagating at 38 to 470 megahertz. GSM signals spanned 880 megahertz to 1.8 gigahertz. Wi-Fi signals ranged from 2.45 to 5.9 gigahertz. There was also WiMAX at 3.3-3.9 gigahertz. The wave carcinogen in Stockholm Central, as in most modern buildings, is delivered through numerous frequency channels for both uplink (radiation from mobile devices) and downlink (radiation from fixed antennas).
   Today, new 5G wireless frequencies have been added to the above-listed pollution within the station. Each bio-active frequency produces its  own peculiar pulses. A human body in this environment become a breathing antenna for a multitude of strange interacting electromagnetic modulations which are alien to all natural biological rhythms. Such electromagnetic manipulations of human flesh are widely-documented to rearrange human genetic material. The progeny of abnormal genetic rearrangement is malignancy.
   The Hardell researchers included in their report scientific evidence of sickness and cancers associated with the wireless radiation measured within the Stockholm facility. They confirmed that many negative biological consequences, for both people and animals, are induced by far lower power density levels than those found within the complex. They stressed the urgency of officially designating the invasive wireless radiation in Stockholm Central (and all other public buildings) as a CONFIRMED HUMAN CARCINOGEN, thereby recognizing this pollution on par with asbestos and nuclear radiation. And they warned that "it is imperative to measure the public's exposure" in order to accommodate future epidemiological studies of the wireless carnage that we all suffer today. 
   While it is true that consumers drive the demand for wireless technologies, information suppression means that most people still do not understand the price they pay for these technologies in terms of health and longevity. As with North America and Europe, Swedish cancer rates continue to rise exponentially. Young Swedish women, especially, are suffering a striking increase in the particular variety of thyroid cancers linked to exposure from both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. [71] 
Wireless Antenna pollution is the VOLTAGE OF CANCER.
Many published studies confirm the carcinogenicity of Wi-radiation
but each study focuses on biological exposure of only one single frequency!
No published scientific study yet has explored
the aggregate biological effects
of the complex, multi-frequency antenna radiation that now pollutes
 inhabited buildings and the general environment everywhere across the globe. 
   The late Robert C. Kane, Ph.D., whose career included electrical engineering for Motorola, advised: "The belief that microwaves cannot cause bond breaking in chromosomes or DNA, or damage tissue more generally is quite inaccurate. Since the energy absorption mechanism is not the same as that for ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, the mechanisms of energy transfer that cause the bond breaking may be different. However the result is quite evident —DNA and chromosomal damage…. It’s not just happening at one frequency and it’s not just being observed by researchers in one laboratory. The same chromosome and DNA damages are being reported at frequencies across the entire range, including 100 MHz [FM radio], 300 MHz, 837 MHz, 954 MHz [cell phones] 1,250 MHz, 2,450 MHz  [Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and smart phones], and up to 9000 MHz..."  [72]

   Alasdair Philips, a European expert in radio engineering, confirms the incredible complexity of ubiquitous electrosmog which befouls the human environment everywhere: "There are now about 20 modulation systems in widespread common use, plus about 50 or more specialist ones." Regarding the manipulation of radio signals to increase data speed and accommodate millions of eager Wi-users, he says: "Phase modulation is a relatively new technique...that allows far more data to be encoded onto an RF carrier (microwave signal)....Instead of a nice smooth sine wave, the RF carrier repeatedly jumps from one part of the sine wave to a different part as it encodes the data. This produces a lot of VERY fast, sharp 'edges' and a lot of 'aggressive' low frequency noise (10-HZ to 100 kilohertz) or even faster." [73] 
   The following two charts illustrate the typical wave forms of pulsed wireless signals which blast through our bodies everywhere we go. The wave form shown in the top chart is indicative of the older 2G technology of GSM/TDMA. The second chart below shows the wave form of the more complex 3G signals of UMTS propagated by CDMA modulation. A 2016 paper signed by six radiation experts, states that the risk to humans for glioma brain cancer is OVER THREE TIMES HIGHER from exposure to the more complex 3G UMTS signals shown in chart two, than from the less complex 2G signals shown in chart one. They also state that 3G signals are more effective at preventing the repair of broken DNA. [74] This matters because broken and unrepaired DNA is the bedrock of human cancers.
   Now take a look below at the ultra-complex wave form of 4G radiation, propagated from personal smart devices and from millions of newer neighborhood antennas. It is obvious that 4G/LTE wave patterns of LTE delivered in multiple data streams (MIMO), are immeasurably more data-dense and complex in pulse structure than 2G and 3G. Scientists have had neither time nor money to investigate how the newer 4G signals may increase human cancer risks.  So we must use our common sense. 
   Additional bizarre new modulations and wave forms of 5G signals --many of them in the millimeter wave spectrum-- are now also blasting across North America as the Wireless Radiation Industry revs its brute engines of "innovation." Beamforming 5G signal streams are eight-lane super freeways as compared to the slower and less complex signal streams of 4G/LTE. The 5G beamformed signals are so violent and erratic that experts say it is actually impossible to create a representative chart for 5G, similar to those seen above for less energetic wave forms. European Union scientists say this:
"The 5G radio emission fields are quite different to those of previous generations because of their complex beamformed transmissions in both directions – from base station to handset and for the return. Although fields are highly focused by beams, they vary rapidly with time and movement and so are unpredictable, as the signal levels and patterns interact as a closed loop system. This has yet to be mapped reliably for real situations, outside the laboratory....The problem is that currently it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world." [75] 
  Three renowned scientists cooperated to publish a paper that explains why violently erratic wave radiation seen in the frequency charts above is so catastrophic for humans, who generate their own natural electromagnetic wave forms for regulation of biological functions. Annotated with 103 medical citations, this report notes that living organisms perceive Wi-radiation as a potent environmental stressor for which evolution has provided no adequate defense. The  authors reference copious medical evidence showing that it is the rapid and perpetual change in frequencies and pulse modulations which stress living cells the most. They say that modulated radiation used for wireless technologies is actually more biologically stressful than excessive heat, cold, starvation and toxic chemicals. Living cells produce heat-shock proteins within minutes of exposure to RF/microwave assault. Heat shock proteins cascade into free radical formation, followed by drastic DNA damage, which precedes the eventual development of cancer. [76]
    The European REFLEX studies of 2004 clearly demonstrated that a mere 24 hour exposure to the 1.8 gigahertz, one of the lethal frequencies flowing through Stockholm Central, inflicts the same  catastrophic damage to human DNA as 1600 chest X-rays. [77] These signals jackhammer living molecules by flipping their polarity 1.8 billion cycles per second. Can anyone explain what happens to human DNA when it is microshocked 24-39 billion times per second by Verizon's invasive 5G millimeter waves? And who cares that hyper-drilling millimeter waves are blasting from 5G smart phones directly into human brains across the globe?
   Dr. Henry Lai, whose research at the University of Washington produced some of these studies, confirms: “....Critical genetic mutations in one single cell are sufficient to lead to cancer.” [78] The wireless frequencies found within Stockholm Central and most public and private buildings across the USA and Canada, have potential to inflict gross genetic mutations in humans, ironic in light of the frantic international campaigns to "cure" cancer and defeat autism. 
    In addition, there is also the dirty electricity factor.  Dr. Sam Milham is an expert on the devastating health effects (including diabetes and cancer) of stray impulse and oscillatory transients which carry erratic spikes of voltage into electrical systems. Dr. Milham explained: "Don't forget that every cell tower has an inverter or switching power supply to change the grid from AC to DC to run the microwave transmitter and to charge the backup batteries. These generate dirty electricity [kilohertz pollution] which flows back into the grid." [79]
    The RF/microwave pollution from cell tower antennas sited close to electrical generation stations and power lines can couple with and flow through the transmission lines, even in some cases creating dangerous standing RF waves along those transmission lines. UK radiation expert Alasdair Philips says: "Radiation from masts [like the microwave tower seen behind this electrical substation] can resonate with house wiring, causing high fields inside houses, often from lights which hang from the ceilings, the radio frequencies running down the electric flex. If this is the case in a house, there may be high frequency fields inside, even though there are no direct sources of radiofrequency emissions from household appliances or systems." [80] Often the highest microwave readings in a Wi-polluted house can be found at the electrical outlets. This is why broadband over power lines (BOP) is such a dangerous technology. This is why microwave antennas mounted on power poles are such a bad idea. This is why 5G antennas mounted on every other utility pole will further degrade the public health.
   The photographer who took the urban photo seen above carried a variety of electromagnetic radiation meters. On the residential sidewalk where he stood, the wildly fluctuating microwave voltage maxed the upper limit of his RF instrument (6 volts per meter). The low-frequency voltage reading also maxed his instrument limit of 100 milligauss. Wherever there is electrical voltage there are also powerful and erratic magnetic fields. These high readings within a residential area far exceed the power densities associated with severe fatigue and illness, including dementia and childhood leukemia. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirms that both the high and low frequencies raging through this site have potential to generate cancer in humans. [81]
   In 2016, scientists in Switzerland compiled complex studies of genes and molecular pathways to confirm once again that there are many plausible linkages between these powerful EMF fields and severe human disease. [82]  But no one yet knows exactly how the potential for disaster is amplified in a combo situation like this where people live and work for years within buildings invaded by a ferocious, multi-frequency electromagnetic storm.
   In addition, airborne particle pollution from the heavy traffic flowing through a highly electrified site, can form a deadly "corona" of split ions around high tension electric power lines.  Electrically-charged pollutant aerosols become "sticky," and when inhaled, they have a much higher probability of embedding deeply within the lungs. [83]  No studies have yet been published on the enhanced toxicity of particle pollution electromagnetically charged by the millions of RF/microwave antennas in our midst 

 Slow-kill Poison: How Antenna Sickness Unfolds
   Despite prolific evidence of harm, the Wireless Industry has one major goal above all others: to increase and enhance microwave and millimeter wave irradiation in the human environment. "Densification is important because people like to use their smart phones," explains Verizon. [84] Antenna densification is ever-increasing indoors with numerous technologies like Ericsson's  Dot antennas operating in the 4G and 5G frequency bands. Inhabited buildings infested with indoor cellular antennas, along with Wi-Fi transceiver antennas, are veritable death camps 
   Since nearly every person living in the USA is now Wi-irradiated 24/7, we need to know what ultimately becomes of a population trapped, without their informed consent, in a carcinogenic wasteland of transceiving Wi-antennas. By 1996, Professor Dr. Karl Hecht and his associate Hans-Ullrich Balzer were commissioned by the German Federal Institute for Telecommunications to conduct research on a massive collection of Soviet Russian technical literature ((1960-1996) documenting the health-damaging effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. In 1997, Hecht and Balzer turned over to their sponsor a report based on 878 scientific works. The data was reportedly "disappeared" into a German  archive. [85]
   According to Professor Hecht, this massive scientific collection confirmed that the duration of microwave irradiation is a foremost decisive factor in human health effects: the longer the exposure, the more deadly the cumulative effects. Therefore, the multi-millions of always-on cellular and Wi-Fi antennas are a very dangerous experiment. Russian research shows that there are three consecutive phases involved in the slow, but steady downward spiral of people chronically irradiated by radio/microwave antennas, including radar. [86] Since each person's body is genetically different and since each person's exposure is unique, Wi-radiation victim will traverse the following phases in his or her own time.  Each will develop uniquely individual symptoms on his journey to terminal Wi-illness. 
Initial Phase: The body tries to compensate for and resist the assault
The first 1-3 years of irradiation
   During the first 1-3 years, a sympathicotonic deflected initial phase is predominantly demonstrated. The definition of sympathicotonia (hypertonia) is increased stress of the sympathetic nervous system and a marked tendency to vascular spasm and abnormal blood pressure. Therefore, studies should be conducted across the US to determine to what extent cell tower radiation and Wi-Fi, raging through the interior of millions of inhabited buildings, is connected to the suffering of multitudes who struggle with sympathetic nervous system disorders and dangerous blood pressure problems. One third of Americans suffer from abnormal blood pressure. Seven of ten people having their first heart attack have high blood pressure. Seven of ten people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure. Eight of ten people having their first stroke have high blood pressure. [87]
Third Sub-phase: Still part of the resistance phase, the body continues to attempt adaptive balancing, with less sympathicotonic deflection. [The body is tiring] During this phase, body functions are still mainly in the range of homeostasis, so normal values are usually measured, although latent intermittently-appearing ailments may express themselves. People in this phase, who can connect the dots between illness and irradiation and then take steps to mitigate exposure, are the lucky ones. They can often recover their health in a non-radiation environment. Most people, however, don't understand this connection because wireless pollution escapes their sensory detection. Thus, the majority of irradiated people slip into the advanced phases two and three, from which there may be little or no recovery.

Second Phase: The Body Progresses to Pre-Morbid or Early Phases of Chronic Disease
 3-5 years of irradiation
    During this second phase, chronically irradiated people develop weakly visible, pathological neurasthenic symptoms with vagotonic reaction tendencies. This means overactivity or irritability of the vagus nerve, adversely affecting function of the blood vessels, stomach, and muscles. It also means that the parasympathetic autonomic system is overactive, while sleep disorders and daytime tiredness are common. Neurasthenic symptoms involve: poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy and fatigue, low-self esteem, poor concentration, difficulty making decisions and feelings of hopelessness. In its most severe form, this phase may include a chronic disturbance of mood called dysthymia (depressive neurosis) in which a depressive mood accompanies the other physiological features listed here. This might explain why millions of Americans need anti-depressant drugs and narcotics to cope with their radiation-induced depressive symptoms. By this end of this stage, the systemic damage may be irreversible, even if radiation exposure ceases.
Third Phase: The Body Degenerates into Exhaustion and Severe Morbidity
 5+ years of irradiation
     This final degenerative phase produces pronounced neurasthenic symptoms with increasing pathological lapses of the regulation system, sleep disorders, daytime tiredness, and general exhaustion. People who have progressed to this phase suffer a dramatic increase in chronic illnesses and elevated cancer incidence. After 30+ years of environmental Wi-radiation, America's chronically-ill population certainly fits this description. A 2016 study by researchers at Emory University confirms that over one half of the US adult population is now chronically ill: "The health of individuals is increasingly being defined by complexity and multi-morbidity, the co-occurrence of two or more chronic medical conditions." [88] However, not one in a million of these Wi-victims would guess that the mortal misery of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and even depressive mental illness, is inextricably connected to their years of covert irradiation delivered by crafty Wi-profiteers who have been laughing all the way to their gold-lined vaults.

 Yet, Americans Really Don't Care?
    In addition to chronic exposure to ubiquitous environmental radiation, most Americans add exponentially to their personal dosage with many daily hours of exposure to on-the-body wireless devices. The irony here is, that while the masses eternally clutch and fondle their cancer sticks, manufacturers warn in the fine print of instruction manuals to keep these devices some distance away from direct contact with the body. However, none of these warnings explain how it is possible to keep away from the body Wi-devices which require manipulation by the hand.
   In 2010, New York reporter Christopher Ketchum wrote an article on cell phone dangers for GQ Magazine. He said: "Perhaps most worrisome, though, are the preliminary results of the multinational Interphone study sponsored by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in Lyon, France. (Scientists from thirteen countries took part in the study, the United States conspicuously not among them.) Interphone researchers reported in 2008 that after a decade of cell-phone use, the chance of getting a brain tumor—specifically on the side of the head where you use the phone—goes up as much as 40 percent for adults. Interphone researchers in Israel have found that cell phones can cause tumors of the parotid gland [the salivary gland in the cheek], and an independent study in Sweden last year concluded that people who started using a cell phone before the age of 20 were five times as likely to develop a brain tumor. Another Interphone study reported a nearly 300 percent increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the acoustic nerve. As more results of the Interphone study trickled out, I called Louis Slesin, who has a doctorate in environmental policy from MIT and in 1980 founded an investigative newsletter called Microwave News." [89]
    What Louis Slesin told Kechum is key to understanding America's perilous future: " 'No one in this country cared,' Slesin said of the findings. 'It wasn't news.' He suggested that much of the comfort of our modern lives depends on not caring, on refusing to recognize the dangers of microwave radiation. 'We love our cell phones. The paradigm that there's no danger here is part of a worldview that had to be put into place,' he said. 'Americans are not asking the questions, maybe because they don't want the answers. So what will it take?' " [90]
   Thus, with the complicity of its radiation victims, the Techno-Beast enshrouds the world in a whirlwind of new death technologies, while skillfully keeping the masses "stoned" on what behavioral scientists call "digital heroin." One in three American babies are hooked on Wi-devices before they can talk. America's 8- to 10 year-olds spend hours per day on digital media while many teens spend 11 hours+ a day with wireless toys. [91] Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, a leading neuropsychologist and addiction specialist, explains why: "We now know that those iPads, smart phones and Xboxes are a form of digital drug. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain's frontal cortex--which controls executive functioning--including impulse control-- in exactly the same way that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic-- as much as sex." [92]
   How widespread is America's youthful Wi-Addiction?  Dr. Kardaras reports that 64 million American kids between the ages of 2-17 play video games which are shown by scientists to "affect the development of microstructural properties of the brain associated with negative psychological outcomes." Dr. Kardaras says: "Once a kid has crossed the line into true tech addiction, treatment can be very difficult. Indeed, I have found it easier to treat heroin and crystal meth addicts than lost-in-the-matrix video gamers or Facebook-dependent social media addicts.
   Dr. Kardaras confirms that this deadly addiction has been micro-planned by corporate predators: "The video game business is a sophisticated, multi-billion dollar industry devoted entirely to creating addictive products aimed at defenseless kids and young people--like shooting fish in a barrel.....'Gaming companies will hire neurobiologists and neuroscientists to hook up electrodes to the test-gamer. If they don't elicit the blood pressure they shoot for, typically 180 over 120 or 140 within a few minutes of playing, and if they don't show sweating and increases in their galvanic skin responses, they go back and tweak the game to get the maximum addicting and arousing responses that they're looking for.' "  This is how the predatory Wi-industry "harvests" American youth, as if they were row crops. 
  The great worry is not only the deterioration of physical health, but also the mental health of these millions of digital addicts. Dr. Kardaras says: "Hundreds of clinical studies show that screens increase depression, anxiety and aggression and can even lead to psychotic-like features when the game player loses touch with reality." In such a deep state of techno-bondage, a nation of small-screen stoners are incapable of caring about their own personal well-being, let alone the disastrous impact of millions of antennas needed to service their Wi-addiction
   So Wi-providers can't run fast enough to erect more antennas across the landscape. Even national and state parks across the nation, including Yellowstone, are now blazing with microwave carcinogen. Meantime, industry publications such as The Wireless Estimator describe in detail the unfathomable profits flowing to wireless providers and infrastructure industries which carry sickness and death in their wings. The Estimator has provided detailed reports of many Wi-industry workers, especially hapless "tower dogs," who die in accidents while constructing antenna towers and other Wi-infrastructure across the nation. [93] 
   Many tower technicians wear inadequate RF protection while working on wireless infrastructure loaded with active antennas. An eye-opener would be an independent national study of cancer and leukemia incidence among thousands of Wi-workers who labor without proper radiation protection on towers and rooftops to service active antennas, or to conduct routine building maintenance. As new 5G millimeter wave antennas are affixed to power poles and other infrastructure across the nation, electrical linemen automatically become deep-fried "tower dogs." Provided with neither health warning nor proper shielding gear, they have no defense when assaulted close up with microwave and experimental millimeter wave carcinogen. Their occupational exposures are in horrendous violation of the Nuremberg Code which prohibits any experiment on humans where there is priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury could occur.
  As with tobacco, asbestos, diethylstilbestrol, vinyl chloride and thalidomide, all Wi-irradiated persons will inevitably suffer illness and mental impairment inherent in the VOLTAGE OF CANCER.   Americans who survive this current era of Wi-mania will ultimately recount bitter lessons learned from violating every natural law in order to obtain the pleasure, comfort, entertainment and convenience of wireless technologies.  As with smokers across the decades, millions of Wi-victims will undoubtedly be prematurely catapulted into body landfills before their civilization finally "gets it."
   What is most grotesque about the Wireless Age is not that Wi-profiteers gleefully deploy deadly radiation to maim and kill humanity for a "buck," but that most people submit to devastating Wi-abuse in a livestock sort of way. Unaware, disinterested and possibly too intellectually dim to survive as a genetically viable species, most Americans just "suck it up." Despite thousands of medical studies warning of dire medical ramifications, the masses remain willfully clueless about what the U.S. military knew seventy-five years ago: that each human tissue and internal organ has its own dielectric properties and that the brain, heart and lungs are primary hot spots for the wave carcinogen now ever-blasting through weak and ailing bodies. [94]

     By contrast,  the lucky people of  France are blessed with national legislation that provides these protections in regards to  RF/microwave antenna pollution:
1. Cell tower compliance with  public exposure standards are routinely verified by officials of the National Radiofrequency Agency (Agence Nationale des Fréquences ANFR.
2.  Up-to-date environmental/cell tower maps plus radiation measurements near homes are made available to the public and every resident is able to access information on radiation levels in his own living spaces. 
3.  Areas with atypical microwave exposure are subject to consistent compliance inspection and enforcement
4.  The French national government continues evaluation of health effects from microwave antennas and follows up with scientific research to study public health effects.
5.  Wi-Fi hotspots are clearly marked with a warning pictogram. [95]
   France and other countries are moving towards this sanity because the number of media reports about human cancer clusters near cell towers is staggering.  A 2010 report in the Telegraph newspaper of Britain is typical: "Half of the residents of Buckler, Cornwall, have complained of ill health since the structure [mobile phone antenna tower] was installed two years ago. They believe that the 02 mobile phone mast has contributed to the death of eight residents from cancer since it was erected.... We are living in a cancer cluster," said Mr. Lewis. 'More than fifty per cent of the residents here said they have had serious health problems since the mast was put up. Then people suddenly started dying from cancer and now two more have just been diagnosed and one of those is terminally ill.' " [96]
  Such reports from around the world have been accumulating for decades, one of them documenting a cancer cluster of over one hundred cases at a public school in Spain with an antenna tower on campus. [97] There are countless archived reports of entire communities reporting ill health after cellular antennas are activated, such as 162 antenna-sickened people in Nobeoka City, Japan. [98]
    Tragically, the governments of USA and Canada profit so hugely from the Wi-cancerization of North America that none see fit to gather environmental radiation measurements and enforce proper exposure compliance. There is little momentum for investigation of neighborhood antenna sickness. Meantime, the women of North America suffer the highest female cancer rates in the world.[99]
   Since the Wireless Age began over three decades ago, the radiation-sick and the radiation-wise have avoided antenna hotspots whenever possible and have wisely sought safer places. What the Wireless Radiation Industry calls "dead zones" have long been Nirvana to those who prefer to preserve the integrity of natural life and skip the gruesome experiences of microwave sickness and Wi-cancer. But since 2020, the Wi-industry's foremost goal is to completely eliminate the existence of all "dead zones" so that every connected person, vehicle and object in the hunan anthrosphere can be remotely watched, data-mined and manipulated by Central Authority.
  While concerned bio-scientists ride a stage coach to assess damage from the older and tamer ray technologies, the great and powerful TECHNO-BEAST rides an F-16 in its inexhaustible quest for new ways to radiation-rape the planet and deconstruct every living thing upon it. Well-funded armies of radiation operatives, most of them young males (the demographic reportedly best able to withstand chronic electromagnetic abuse), work relentlessly to churn out new experimental devices and propagation systems for the Internet of Things and  Internet of Bodies designed to submerge all living creatures in an ever-growing tsunami of wave carcinogen and resulting illness
     For the USA and Canada, blighted with some of the highest rates of cancer on this earth,
there are only four words out of the wireless train wreck:
"Thanks, but no thanks!"
No thanks to unsafe, hand-held mobile devices that eviscerate the DNA
 No thanks to microwave-poisoned buildings that make people weak and sick
 No thanks to decadent mobile entertainment for babies and grade schoolers 
 No thanks to the unregulated Wi-Fi assault of fetuses and kindergartners
  No thanks to "smart" meters and smart appliances that induce and stimulate tumors 
 No thanks to consumer gadgets and vehicles that beam Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and radar radiation across parking lots and roadways
 No thanks to cell towers and DAS small-cell antennas mounted near household doorsteps
No thanks to 4G/5G microcells hung on office walls and hidden under stadium seats
 No thanks to bizarre mass experiments with 5G submillimeter and millimeter wave frequencies  (24-100 gigahertz) delivered for public exposure at power densities up to double the exposures allowed for frequencies under 6 gigahertz. [100]

    Nations unable to say "no thanks" to their own violent destruction by debilitating environmental radiation surely have a HARD ROAD DOWN. Human history indicates that all deadly mass manias eventually reach their limit, but usually only after millions of people have suffered and died tragically. The question remains: how far will America's Wi-holocaust progress before survivors finally comprehend the appalling price of unsafe RF/microwave technologies, how long before they finally understand that forcibly infusing an entire population with the ever-increasing VOLTAGE OF CANCER is sheer madness?